In Apex, the Datetime data type is used to represent date and time values.
It combines both the date and time components in a single data type.
Datetime values are stored in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ, where:
YYYY represents the year.
MM represents the month.
DD represents the day.
T is a separator.
HH represents the hour (in 24-hour format).
mm represents the minutes.
ss represents the seconds.
SSS represents milliseconds.
Z indicates the time zone, which can be 'Z' for UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) or an offset like '+00:00'.
Here's an example of how to declare and use a Datetime variable in Apex:
public class DatetimeExample {
public static void main() {
Datetime now =;
Datetime futureDateTime = Datetime.newInstance(2023, 10, 31, 14, 30, 0);
System.debug('Current Datetime: ' + now);
System.debug('Future Datetime: ' + futureDateTime);
// Comparing datetimes
if (futureDateTime > now) {
System.debug('The future date is after the current date.');
} else {
System.debug('The future date is not after the current date.');
In this example:
We declare a Datetime variable now and initialize it with the current date and time using the method.
We create a Datetime variable futureDateTime and set it to October 31, 2023, at 2:30 PM.
We use System.debug() to print the values of now and futureDateTime to the debug log.
We use an if statement to compare the datetimes. If futureDateTime is after now, we print a message indicating that the future date is after the current date. Otherwise, we print a message indicating that it's not.
The Datetime data type is essential for working with date and time information together, such as scheduling tasks, recording timestamps, and performing date and time calculations in Apex.