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Scenario:  Whenever a case is created with the origin as email then set the status as new and Priority as Medium trigger in Salesforce

Scenario: Whenever Lead is created with LeadSource as Web then give rating as cold otherwise hot trigger in Salesforce

Scenario: Whenever a New Account Record is created then needs to generate an associated Contact Record automatically triggers in Salesforce

Scenario:  Whenever the Account is created with Industry as Banking then create a contact for the account, Contact Lastname as Athe account name and contact phone as the account phone triggers in Salesforce

Scenario: Creates the number of contacts which are equal to the number which we will enter in the Number of Locations field on the Account Object triggers in Salesforce

Scenario: Upon Account Creation, if Industry is not null and having value as ‘Media’ then populate Rating as Hot triggers in Salesforce

Scenario: Upon Opportunity Creation if Amount is not null and is greater than 100000 then populate ‘Hot Opportunity’ in description field triggers in Salesforce

Scenario: When an account inserts and CopyBillingToShipping (Custom Field) checkbox is checked then automatically copy account billing address into account shipping address triggers in Salesforce

Scenario: Create a related Contact when an Account is created

Scenario: Create a related Opportunity when an Account is created triggers in Salesforce

Scenario: Account records should have a field named ‘Recent Opportunity Amount’. It should contain the opportunity amount of the latest created opportunity on account triggers in Salesforce.

Scenario: On Account create two checkbox fields labeled as Contact and Opportunity. Now when a new Account record is created and if a particular Contact or Opportunity checkbox is checked then create that related record. Also Opportunity record should be created only if the Account record Active picklist is populated with a Yes.

Scenario: If the Account phone is updated then populate below message in description. Description = Phone is Updated! Old Value : XXX & New Value : XXX

Scenario: When an account is inserted or updated and the CopyBillingToShipping  checkbox is checked then automatically copy the account billing address into account shipping address  triggers in Salesforce

If opportunity Stage is updated upon its creation or update then update description as either 'Opp is Closed Lost' or 'Opp is Closed Won' or 'Opp IS Open' triggers in Salesforce

If the Account phone is updated then populate the phone num triggers in Salesforce

If the Account billing address is updated then update related contacts mailing address. [Using Map] trigger in salesforce

If the Account billing address is updated then update related contacts mailing address. [Using Parent-Child SOQL] trigger in salesforce

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