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Apex Decimal datatype

 In Apex, the Decimal data type is used to represent fixed-point decimal numbers with high precision. A Decimal is a 32-bit data type that provides accurate representation of decimal values.

public class DecimalExample {

    public static void main() {

        Decimal price = 99.99;

        Decimal taxRate = 0.0825;


        System.debug('Price: ' + price);

        System.debug('Tax Rate: ' + taxRate);


        // Performing arithmetic operations with Decimal values

        Decimal totalPrice = price * (1 + taxRate);

        System.debug('Total Price (including tax): ' + totalPrice);



We declare a Decimal variable price and initialize it with a price value.

We declare a Decimal variable taxRate and set it to a tax rate of 8.25%.

We use System.debug() to print the values of price and taxRate.

We perform an arithmetic operation to calculate the total price, including tax, and store it in the totalPrice variable.

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