1. Basic Arithmetic Operations:
You can perform basic arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with integers.
Integer num1 = 10;
Integer num2 = 5;
Integer sum = num1 + num2;
Integer difference = num1 - num2;
Integer product = num1 * num2;
Integer quotient = num1 / num2;
System.debug('Sum: ' + sum);
System.debug('Difference: ' + difference);
System.debug('Product: ' + product);
System.debug('Quotient: ' + quotient);
2. Find the Maximum and Minimum:
You can find the maximum and minimum values from a set of integers using Math.max() and Math.min() functions.
Integer a = 15;
Integer b = 20;
Integer max = Math.max(a, b);
Integer min = Math.min(a, b);
System.debug('Maximum: ' + max);
System.debug('Minimum: ' + min);
3. Check for Even or Odd:
You can check whether an integer is even or odd using the modulo operator (%).
Integer number = 17;
if (number % 2 == 0) {
System.debug('The number is even.');
} else {
System.debug('The number is odd.');
4. Calculate Factorial:
You can calculate the factorial of an integer using a loop.
Integer num = 5;
Integer factorial = 1;
for (Integer i = 1; i <= num; i++) {
factorial *= i;
System.debug('Factorial of ' + num + ' is ' + factorial);
5. Generate Random Numbers:
You can generate random integers within a specified range using the Math.random() method.
Integer random = (Integer)(Math.random() * 100);
System.debug('Random Number: ' + random);