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what is the Toast Messages in lwc?


A component can send a toast notification that pops up to alert users of a success, error, or warning. A toast can also simply provide information. To display a toast notification in Lightning Experience or Aura sites in Experience Cloud, import ShowToastEvent from the lightning/platformShowToastEvent module.

Types of toast messages Lightning Web Component


1)   Error Toast

showErrorToast() {

    const evt = new ShowToastEvent({

        title: 'Toast Error',

        message: 'Some unexpected error',

        variant: 'error',

        mode: 'dismissable'






2)   Success Toast

showSuccessToast() {

    const evt = new ShowToastEvent({

        title: 'Toast Success',

        message: 'Opearion sucessful',

        variant: 'success',

        mode: 'dismissable'





3)   Warning Toast


showWarningToast() {

    const evt = new ShowToastEvent({

        title: 'Toast Warning',

        message: 'Some problem',

        variant: 'warning',

        mode: 'dismissable'




4)   Info Toast

showInfoToast() {

    const evt = new ShowToastEvent({

        title: 'Toast Info',

        message: 'Operation will run in background',

        variant: 'info',

        mode: 'dismissable'





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