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apex: logCallPublisher Component in Visualforce Page

 The <apex: logCallPublisher> is another important component for designing the Log a Call action. With the help of the <apex: logCallPublisher>, we can do the following:

We can change the appearance and dimensions of the Log a Call action.

We can specify the fields which we need to display in action.

We can define the visibility and label of the submit function.

We can define the onSubmit functionality.

The <apex: logCallPublisher> component has the following attribute:

1. autoCollapseBody

The autoCollapseBody is a Boolean type attribute used to specify whether the Log a Call body is collapsed or not when it is empty.


<apex: logCallPublisher autoCollapseBody="true"></apex: logCallPublisher>   

2. entityId

The entityId is an Id type attribute used to specify the entity id of the record to display the Log a Call action. This attribute in the current version supports only case record ids.


<apex: logCallPublisher entityId="caseId"></apex: logCallPublisher>   

3. id

The id is a string-type attribute, i.e., a unique identifier that allows this component to be referenced by other components on the page.


<apex: logCallPublisher id="logId"></apex: logCallPublisher>   

4. logCallBody

The logCallBody is a string-type attribute used to specify the initial text value of the Log a call body when the action is rendered.


<apex: logCallBody logCallBody="logBody"></apex: logCallPublisher>   

5. logCallBodyHeight

The logCallBodyHeight is a string-type attribute used to specify the height of the log call body in em.



<apex: logCallBody logCallBodyHeight="20"></apex: logCallPublisher>   

6. onSubmitFailure

The onSubmitFailure is a string-type attribute that specifies the JavaScript method invoked when the call is not logged successfully.


<apex: logCallBody onSubmitFailure="failureMethod"></apex: logCallPublisher>   

7. onSubmitSuccess

The onSubmitSuccess is a string-type attribute that specifies the JavaScript method invoked when the call is logged successfully.



<apex: logCallBody onSubmitSuccess="successMethod"></apex: logCallPublisher>   

8. rendered

The rendered is a Boolean-type attribute used to specify whether the component is rendered on the page. The boolean value true is set as a default value for this attribute.


<apex: logCallBody rendered="false"></apex: logCallPublisher>   

9. reRender

The reRender is an Object type attribute that specifies the Ids of one or more components that need to be redrawn on the page when the call is successfully logged.


<apex: logCallBody reRender="false"></apex: logCallPublisher>   

10. showAdditionalFields

The showAdditionalFields is a Boolean-type attribute used to specify whether the additional fields defined in the action layout should be displayed.


<apex: logCallBody showAdditionalFields="true"></apex: logCallPublisher>   

11. showSubmitButton

The showSubmitButton is a Boolean-type attribute that specifies whether the submit button should be displayed.


<apex: logCallBody showSubmitButton="true"></apex: logCallPublisher>   

12. submitButtonName

The submitButtonName is a string-type attribute used for specifying the name of the submit button in the Log a Call action.


<apex: logCallBody submitButtonName="Save Call Log"></apex: logCallPublisher>   

13. submitFunctionName

The submitFunctionName is a string type attribute used to specify the function's name from JavaScript to publish the call log.


<apex: logCallBody submitFunctionName="funcName"></apex: logCallPublisher>   

14. title

The title is a string type attribute used to specify the title displayed in the Log a Call action header.


<apex: logCallBody title="Log Call Title"></apex: logCallPublisher>   

15. width

The width is a string-type attribute used to specify the width of the action, either in pixels or percentages.


<apex: logCallBody width="Log Call Title"></apex: logCallPublisher>   

Let's take an example to understand how we can use this component on the VF page:


<!-- apex page with case standard controller to demonstrate the functionality of apex logCallPublisher-->   

<apex:page standardController="Case">  

    <!-- use logCallPublisher with some attributes -->  

    <apex:logCallPublisher entityId="{!}"  

                           title="Make a Call"  


                           submitButtonName="Make Call"  




</apex: page>  

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