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apex: message Component in Visualforce Page

 The <apex: message> is another important component for displaying a message(error or warning) for a specific component on the VF page. If we do not specify the <apex: message> component on the VF page, all the error and warning messages will be visible only in debug logs, not in UI.

The <apex: message> component has the following attributes on VF Page:

1. dir

The dir is a string-type attribute used to specify the direction in which the generated HTML component should be read. RTL and LTR are the two possible values for this attribute.


<apex: message dir="RTL"></apex: message>  

2. for

The for is a string-type attribute used for specifying the Id of the component with which the message should be associated.


<apex: message for="cmpId"></apex: message>  

3. id

The id is a string-type attribute, i.e., a unique identifier that allows this component to be referenced by other components on the page.


<apex: message id="messageId"></apex: message>  

4. lang

The lang is a string-type attribute used for specifying the base language for the generated HTML output. The "en" and "en-US" are the two possible values for this attribute.


<apex: message lang="en-US"></apex: message>  

5. rendered

The rendered is a Boolean-type attribute used to specify whether this component should be rendered on the page. The boolean value true is set as a default value for this attribute.



<apex: message rendered="false"></apex: message>  

6. style

The style is a string-type attribute used for specifying the inline CSS applied on this component to display the message.


<apex: message style="color:green;"></apex: message>  

7. styleClass

The styleClass is a string-type attribute used to specify the CSS stylesheet applied on this component to display the message.



<apex: message styleClass="className"></apex: message>  

8. title

The title is a string-type attribute used to specify the text displayed when the mouse pointer hovers over this component.


<apex: message title="Tooltip Text"></apex: message>  

Let's take an example to understand how we can use this component on the VF page:


<!-- apex page to elaborate the use of apex message component-->  

<apex:page controller="ApexMessageExampleController" tabStyle="Account">  

    <!-- user style tag to override the standard style-->  


        .locError {   

        color: blue;   

        font-weight: strong;  


        .empError {  

        color: green;   

        font-weight: strong;  



    <!-- use apex form to display account information-->  

    <apex: form>  


        <apex:pageBlock title="Hello {!$User.FirstName+' '+$User.LastName}!">  

            New page for the {!name}. <br/>  

            Showing information of {!} Account.  


            <b>Note: </b>Enter an alphabetic character, then click Save to see what happens.  


                Number of Locations:   

                <apex:inputField value="{!acc.NumberofLocations__c}" id="Location_validation"/>   



            <p>Number of Employees: <apex:inputField value="{!acc.NumberOfEmployees}" id="Employee_validation"/></p>  


            <apex:commandButton action="{!save}" value="Save"/>      


            <apex:message for="Location_validation" styleClass="locError" /> <p/>   

            <apex:message for="Employee_validation" styleClass="empError"/> <p/>     


    </apex: form>    

</apex: page>  


public class ApexMessageExampleController {  

    // create an instance of Account  

    public Account acc{get;set;}  

    public string recId;  


    //default constructor  

    public ApexMessageExampleController(){  

        recId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');  

        acc = [select id, name, numberofemployees, numberoflocations__c from Account where id = :recId];  



    // create save() method  

    public PageReference save() {  


            update acc;  


        catch(DmlException ex){  



        return null;  



    // getter to get the name of the controller  

    public String getName() {   

        return 'ApexMessageExampleController';  



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